Empowering new mums to launch and grow a business they love.

Hello! I’m Sonny’s mum, Sophia.

I’m a mother, a founder and a business coach. Over the last 15 years I’ve worked with founders to help launch, grow and scale their businesses - from small eCommerce sites to large corporates, I’ve helped companies create businesses and launch products that their customers love.

My style has always been to help founders cut through the overwhelm and get to the common-sense, customer-focused approach. I know that too many great ideas get lost in overwhelm without action, and so my goal is to help founders in a no BS, straightforward way.

In late 2022 I became a mum for the first time and my whole world changed, for the better. I realised that too many mums feel pressured to return to jobs that no longer suit their lifestyles and that don’t give them the freedom they need. So I’m taking all the lessons I’ve learnt over the past 2 decades and sharing them with inspired mums to help them achieve their business and family goals.



Founder & Mother
The Podcast

The ultimate podcast for new mums who are ready to launch and grow their business without the overwhelm, stress and confusion.


Own your future

Having a baby changes things. Alot. You’re just as ambitious as ever, but now you want to channel that drive into something for yourself and for your family. You crave the freedom to set your own schedule, be there for drop offs and pickups and to take the family on holidays when it suits. Running your own business is the way to have it all, and the F&M courses will teach you how.

We’ll empower you with the tools you need to launch and grow your own sustainable business, helping you say goodby to the daily grind and hello to business ownership.